
10 Book Recommendations to Feed Your Dying Soul

woman reading a book on a bench with green bush on the background

Alright, that wasn’t the very best of titles I could think of.

But I wanted to do something fruitful today. Something that could have eternal implications, you could say.

So I’m going to make this quick!

Here it goes: I’m doing a quick roundup of 10 of my spiritual book recommendations.

Just a full disclosure here though: nope, I haven’t read all of these yet. Let’s just say I’ve heard a few reputable people recommend them, so I’m recommending them to you, too.

Of course, these are listed in no particular order. The numbers just help me track whether or not I’ve already listed 10.

So, here you go.

Btw, most links below are affiliate links. Meaning, I may earn a commission if you buy using any of these links. But don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt you in any case. It only benefits me and this blog; any earnings will just keep this blog running. All the images are links, too! And if you’re buying, then thanks ahead, really! I know you will be blessed—so it’s absolutely a win-win for us both!

Alright, let’s get started now!

1. The Sonship of Christ by Ty Gibson

I have a kindle version of this, but I have not read it all…yet.

Despite the fact, The Sonship of Christ is something you would want to read if you don’t know why Jesus is called the “Son” and what that really means in the plan of salvation. And particularly your salvation.

Aside from the kindle version, you can also order a hardcover copy for this one.

2. God in Pain by David Asscherick

As of this writing, God in Pain is only available in paperback. I don’t have it yet since it’s on the more expensive side (at least for me), but you could have it if right now you’re struggling to find answers on why God allows pain in our lives.

I’m recommending it because it’s from Pastor David—he’s once been an atheist so he must know at least one of two things about the struggle people have in believing in a “loving” God who also allows us pain.

3. At Jesus’ Feet by Doug Batchelor

I’ve read At Jesus’ Feet twice. The first time, I was mind-blown. The second time? Still mind-blown.

Pastor Doug Batchelor, in this book, retells the story of Mary Magdalene’s faith journey and how she’s experienced boundless grace…at Jesus’ feet.

It’d be interesting for you to see Mary’s story with new eyes. You could even see yourself in her in this awe-inspiring book.

It’s got a kindle, hardcover, paperback, and mass-market paperback version, so I know you’ll be covered.

4. From Sabbath to Sunday by Samuele Bacchiocchi

A friend of mine’s got this book and I’d say it was intriguing. Personally I haven’t read From Sabbath to Sunday, but I think I’m going to buy a copy this time.

Why? Of course I’d love to learn the facts around Sabbath vs Sunday worship from someone who’s been in Rome (and that’s the author Samuele I’m talking about).

Anyway, in case you didn’t notice, I purposefully added this book recommendation as the fourth one in this list. You know, it’s all about the 4th commandment. *wink*

Available in kindle, paperback, and hardcover.

5. A God Named Desire by Ty Gibson

So we’re back to Ty Gibson because guess what—I just love this book!

Well, I’m not done reading it yet, but I’d say A God Named Desire is a great pair to The Desire of Ages. The book gives you a mind-blowing perspective on the character of God, revealing to you how He’s actually desirable.

I have the kindle version. Of course you can enjoy a paperback or a hardcover copy if you want to.

6. The Spiritual Brain by Mario Beauregard and Denise O’Leary

Alright, this might not necessarily be a religion-inclined book, but it’s a pretty interesting one if you want to read a “neuroscientist’s case for the existence of the soul.” Yep, it’s basically what The Spiritual Brain is all about.

By the way, it’s recommended by Pastor David Asscherick, as he has quoted a few paragraphs from this book when he was making an encouraging point on brain plasticity—meaning you can change!

It’s available in 4 formats: kindle, hardcover, paperback, and mp3 CD.

7. The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day by Sigve Tonstad

The Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day is a must-read book on the Sabbath. It has both hardcover and kindle versions.

And this, again, is a recommendation from Pastor David Asscherick! Haha.

In fact, there’s a cute little story about this book. Just today, I asked Pastor David what this book’s title was. And he replied!

(See embedded tweet below)

So anyway, it’s the 7th recommended book I’m putting on this list, because, well, it’s about the 7th day. 🙂

Now on to three more books.

8. The Richest Caveman by Doug Batchelor

So The Richest Caveman is a true story of a once-rebellious-teenager-turned-Bible-believer-and-pastor. Guess who this pastor is? It’s none other than Pastor Doug!

You’d find it an interesting read whether you’re having the kindle version or the paperback one.

Well, I’m going to have it in the future, so I’ll update you soon on how I find it. I’m quite sure it’ll be enriching for anyone who’s feeling rebellious right now. It can be life-changing, too.

9. The Christian Art of War by Ivor Myers

Whether or not you’ve read the original and famous “Art of War” book by Sun Tzu, I’m sure you’ll love The Christian Art of War version by Pastor Ivor.

I first heard of this battle-against-self concept of the Christian life from one of Pastor Ivor’s sermons.

If you’ve found yourself battling against self and been wanting to know how to win all your life, it’s a must-read. I have the kindle version, and of course you can have a hardcover copy.

10. Mere Christianity by CS Lewis

Finally! We’re down to the 10th book recommendation, and I’ve chosen Mere Christianity to fill the 10th and final spot.

I may not agree with everything CS Lewis has to say, but, he was once an atheist and this book is a very interesting take on why the idea of God and Jesus would be an absolute truth from a logical, philosophical, and historical standpoint.

If you love scrutiny and diving into deep, back-and-forth logical arguments, you will love this book. I’ve read a physical copy of it which I’ve borrowed from a college classmate some years ago.

I think I’m getting an audiobook version for myself, as it’s FREE with an Audible membership trial. It also has hardcover and paperback options.

Get your own copy

Feel free to click on any of the book links (and image links) above. They’ll lead you directly to the version (paperback, hardcover, kindle, or audiobook) you’re looking for.

Sign up for Audible

You may also sign up for a monthly Audible membership to get access to tons of other audiobooks.

I’m just not sure if all of the above recommendations I’ve given you will have an audiobook version. (I think only the 10th one has an audiobook at the moment.)

Try Kindle Unlimited

If you’re more into reading and you’re outside the US (overseas shipping may be costly), then it might help if you get a Kindle version instead.

Kindle versions of a book are available in virtually all kinds of devices—whether you’re on Apple, Android, or Windows.

If you prefer a subscription-based reading (instead of buying Kindle books individually), that’s where a Kindle Unlimited subscription comes in.

Finally: Why read extra-biblical sources

While these are all extra-biblical spiritual books, they are all Bible-based.

And while every single book here ultimately points to the Bible as the light and life of it all, these books are written by preachers and believers who for at least once in their lives did not believe in God.

You could say the authors here have all been struggling believers. Yup, just like you and me.

And, if we were to be strengthened in our faith aside from reading the Bible, what better thing to do than to hear—or read—the testimony of people who have been there and done that and still believed in Jesus at the end of the day. Right?

After all, overcomers in the future will:

…have conquered [the accuser] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…

Revelation 12:11, ESV

Our faith gets strengthened when we hear of the faith and the testimony of others.

That’s why it would also be helpful to find inspiration from these people who have been with Jesus.

Anyway, that’s about all I could say for now.

I leave you to thinking which one of these books you might want to try first.

Let me know if you’ve found any one of them helpful in your own spiritual walk.


Hey, before you leave, scroll right back up and try a book that interests you. 😉

What have you learned from this post?