
About Us

about the struggling christian

I’m just like you.

We’re just like you.

The writers here are real people with real hopes of overcoming. And yet, most of the days of our lives, we find ourselves struggling.

But struggling believers have high hopes, too.

We envision living an abundant life in the here and now: the quality of life that Christ has promised even before He takes us to the new earth to forever live with Him.

That’s indeed a high hope. It could even be the greatest hope one can have—one that even struggling believers can have.

That is, while we are still here.

But then, again, we’re just like you.

The meaning we’ve found

There’s a difference, though, between staying depressed and remaining humble.

As C.S. Lewis put it,

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.

CS Lewis

So I, along with the contributing authors here, have found the real meaning of being a Christian—and it’s not within ourselves.

We have found its meaning in Jesus.

Indeed, only Jesus has the answer. And Jesus needs to be lifted up.

And so, while it is pretty interesting to learn about the people behind this site, Jesus is the one we would like to present to you.

Yes, it should still be easy to find who we are through our Facebook and other social media profiles, but it still doesn’t matter.

As already said, we’re just like you.

And we have the same need.

We need Jesus. All struggling believers need Jesus.

Need help on finding meaning in your life?

Subscribe to our blog and contact us for any query. Find the answers to even your humblest questions.

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all people unto Me.
John 12:32